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Location: Salwa Industrial Area | Bu Glaila
Standard Concrete
A mixture of paste and aggregates: the paste, composed of Portland cement and water, coats the surface of the fine and coarse aggregates. A chemical reaction, called hydration, causes this paste to harden and gain substantial strength – forming the rock-solid mass commonly known as concrete.
Lean Concrete
Concrete with low cement content. The main function of the lean concrete is to provide the uniform surface to the foundation concrete and to prevent the direct contact of foundation concrete from the soil.
Foamed Concrete
Very light, free-flowing, self-leveling. Apply in void filling in pipes, sewers, fuel tanks, shafts & sub-ways. Savings on labors and plant fills undercut and pockets. Permanent reinstatement first time reduces the need for remedial visits.
Thermal and sound insulation
applicable to floors and walls in poor ground conditions. '
Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC)
Also known as self-compacting concrete, is a flowing concrete mixture that is able to consolidate under its own weight.
It is a highly flowable, non-segregating concrete that can spread in place, fill formwork and encapsulate the reinforcement withoutany mechanical consolidation.
Colored Concrete
durable and cost-effective colored decorative concrete, offering the appearance of natural stone or timber. It is suitable for a wide range of applications and has been used in alleys, car parks, city squares, cycle paths, driveways,
pedestrian areas, pool decks, terraces, and interior applications.
Green Concrete
As the name suggests is eco-friendly and saves the environment by using waste products generated by industries in various forms like rice husk ash, micro silica, make resource-saving concrete structures. columns, walls, and building facades
Finishing light-weight concrete
requires special attention. Excessive amounts of water or higher slumps will cause the lightweight aggregates to segregate from the mortar. If the surfaces of the interior floors are going to be hard troweled, use precautions to minimize the formation of blisters and delamination.
Lightweight aggregates
require wetting prior to use to achieve a high degree of saturation. If the aggregates aren’t fully saturated they have a tendency to float towards the surface of the mix after it has been placed.